Introducing my…

Instant Bestseller Program

Have you been dreaming of becoming an
Amazon bestselling author?

Becoming an Amazon bestseller isn’t easy…
if it was, then every book would be a bestseller.

The fact is 98% of authors who self-publish books on Amazon never hit a bestsellers list.

Make no mistake about it..becoming an Amazon bestseller is MASSIVE!

Becoming an Amazon Bestseller means:

  • Your book is visible on Amazon and people can actually find it because the bestseller lists are the “most searched” lists on Amazon
  • More respect and prestige in your industry
  • More book sales
  • More opportunities for speaking engagements
  • More opportunities to be interviewed on media… as media loves bestselling authors
  • More celebrity status
  • More joint ventures interested in working with you

Michelle Kulp

Hello!  My name is Michelle Kulp and to date, I’ve helped over 400 people become #1 bestselling authors in my done-for-you program.

Additionally, I’ve published 22+ of my own books and they are all Amazon bestsellers!  One of my books, Digital Retirement, has sold close to 10,000 copies and 2 years after publishing is still at the top of the bestsellers list including the top 10 on women and business! Most recently, my book, ALL IN, hit the Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestsellers lists!

In 2020, I  made a decision that changed everything! I wrote a book a month for an entire year as an experiment and created $3300 a month in passive income and replaced my social security income. I now teach others how to do the same in my program 28 Books to $100K.

Becoming an Amazon Bestseller changed my life, my clients lives and now I want to offer you the same opportunity to become an Amazon bestselling author in a brand new program called… Instant Bestseller”.

I’ve done it for over 400 clients and I can do it for you!

First, I want to tell you that I charge $5K for my VIP day which is a done with you program:

The only other program I offer is my done-for-you programs which start at $10K and go up to $50K.

Because I am an author myself, I LOVE helping other authors!  It is my passion.  I want to help YOU!

That’s why I’ve created my brand new

The investment for my
Instant Amazon Bestseller Program is $2,997!

Once I receive your payment, I will be contacting you in 48 hours to review the strategy and plan.  Then you will receive a welcome email with all the details.

Is this your time to go from being the best kept secret to getting the word out about who you are and what you do?

If you act now, I’ll throw in 2 extra bonuses worth $800:

Bonus 1: 

I will write your book description for you  ($497 value if you were to hire me to do this)

Bonus 2:

I will give you access to my online course, 28 Books to $100K, so in the future if you ever write another book,
you know exactly how to publish, promote and profit from it ($297)

I look forward to helping you become an “Instant Bestseller”!

–Michelle Kulp
Michelle Kulp, Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Amazon bestselling Author