make six figures as an author

The Author Profit Path Quiz to Make Six Figures

There are 2 paths for you to make 6-figures as an Author and below is a quiz to help you figure out the best path for you.

You are a unique person, with dreams and goals that are not like anyone else's dreams and goals.  When it comes to making 6-figures as an author there is a path that is perfectly aligned for you.

Here are 10 questions that will help you figure out your perfect “Author Profit Path”:

1. When you think about writing a book, what's your main reason?

a.  I want to share what I know and earn steady passive income from my knowledge

b.  I see a book as a great way to grow my business and attract dream clients.

2. How do you plan to use your book in your career?

a.  As a series of work that shows my expertise and brings in steady income.

b.  As a single, powerful book that creates new business opportunities.

3. What's your biggest problem with writing and publishing a book?

a.  Finding time to write regularly and choosing topics that make good money.

b.  Knowing how to make my book fit my business goals for the highest impact.

4. How do you see a book helping your professional life?

a.  As a collection of work that showcases my unique skills and knowledge that brings in steady income so I have more freedom.

b.  As a smart business tool that elevates and boosts my brand while also making me a leader in my field.

5. What does Success as an Author look like to you?

a.  Earning great passive income from my books and creating a following.

b.  Using my bestselling book to grow my business which will help me reach my goals.

6. How important is it for you to create a legacy through your writing?

a.  I want to leave a collection of work (books) that keeps earning passive income long-term and inspires others.

b.  I want to build a lasting business legacy that a book could help strengthen.

7. What's your approach to choosing a book topic?

a.  I would look for high profit areas I am passionate about and write multiple books on that topic.

b.  I would write one book that matches my business skills and attracts valuable clients.

8. What role does writing play in your life?

a.  Writing is a passion of mine that I would like to turn into a big source of passive income.

b.  Writing helps me explain and share my business' value and reach more people.

9. What's your strategy for writing a book?

a.  To write consistently and build a series of book that creates consistent monthly revenue.

b.  To carefully plan, write and launch one book that attracts the right business leads to my business.

10.  What is your ultimate goal as an Author?

a.  To gain financial freedom directly from my books and my writing.

b.  To become an author to advance my business and make money from my business and not necessarily book sales.

Now it's time to score your answers.  Write down how many “A's” you had and how many “B's” you had.

If you had 7 to 10 A's then you are:

Your unique Author Profit Path is to become a part-time or full-time Writer & to earn Consistent Passive Income as an Author! Imagine waking up every day to new royalties from your books!
This is an awesome goal to have and one that is doable as long as you put in the time, stay consistent with your writing, and select the right high-profit topics for your books.
Doing this alone can be challenging.
Many authors dream of earning part-time or full-time income from book sales and royalties, but ending up failing because they don’t understand what it takes to earn a significant income from book sales.
To become a high-income earner as an Author you must create massive value for your audience regularly and focus on a “large” receptive market.
The common mistake authors make is to write only 1 or 2 books; experience poor sales figure & quit.
What is important to achieve your goal is to write books that people are looking for, to be consistent with your writing, and to build a backlist of books. This will create a large following and readership over time so you can earn more income and reach more people.
Becoming a part-time or full-time writer is possible with the right plan.

Action Step for Author-preneurs is to get on the waiting list for Digital Retirement Academy, which opens 3-4 times per year so you can jumpstart your Author Business.  Click here to get on the waiting list.

  • If you had 7 to 10 B's then you are:
Your Profit Path is an AUTHOR-PRENEUR who wants to write one book & create $100K+ on the back end!
You see the value in having a bestselling book as a CEO, Entrepreneur & Business Owner.
You know that writing the “right book” can get you massive exposure that you can’t get anywhere else.
To be successful, however, you must write the right book!
The most important question to ask is “What is the goal of this book?”
Here are some goals a Business Owner might have with their book:
      • To get more exposure of their company, brand, the CEO and/or team.
      • To sell a product or program on the backend.
      • To build or grow an email list.
      • To scale a company.
      • To get media attention.
      • To become the go-to expert in their field.
      • To elevate the image of the company, CEO or team.
      • To use it as a “business card” at events.
      • To use as a giveaway at events and in swag bags.
      • To use a a bonus.
      • To create a book funnel with.
The key is to reverse engineer your goal before you write the book.
Writing a book that is aligned with your business is challenging.
You wouldn't want to waste months or years writing the wrong book.
I've seen this happen many times. The key is to write with your one goal in mind. When you write the right book, you start attracting leads, prospects and potential dream clients to your business.

Action Step for Author-preneurs is to schedule a strategy session and let's reverse engineer the perfect book to advance your business and your brand.  Click here to book a call.

I hope you enjoyed the Author Profit Path Quiz and I would love to help you achieve your Author Dreams and Goals!